target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US50881423

Voice of the Customer — A Look at Metrics and KPIs

By:  Lou Reinemann Loading


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This IDC Perspective provides insights into selection and application of metrics for a VOC program. Voice of the customer programs are evolving beyond traditional surveys to include indirect and inferred feedback, utilizing a variety of metrics like CSAT, NPS, and CES to gauge customer experiences and the performance of products and services provided by an organization. Challenges include selecting the right metrics and ensuring they are valid and accurate in the context of the particular business. The integration of VOC data across business operations and the use of AI are highlighted as means to enhance customer insights and business outcomes, with a focus on maintaining customer perspective and value parity in feedback engagement.

"Embracing VOC metrics transforms customer insights into actionable strategies, driving unparalleled business outcomes and customer experiences," says Lou Reinemann, research director, Voice of the Customer and Customer Success at IDC.


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