Open Source Team

Gard Little

Vice President, Global Services Markets and Trends

Melinda-Carol Ballou

Research Director, Agile ALM, Quality & Portfolio Strategies

Matthew Eastwood

Senior Vice President, Enterprise Infrastructure, Cloud, Telecom, Security, Developers, Channels and Enabling Technology

Greg Macatee

Research Manager, Infrastructure Software Platforms, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

Ashish Nadkarni

Group Vice President and General Manager, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

New Research

  • By: 

    • Giulia Carosella Loading
    • Craig Powers Loading
    • Philip Carter Loading
    • Linus Lai Loading
    • Tony Olvet Loading
    • Nancy Gohring Loading
    • Gard Little Loading
    • Teodora Siman Loading
    • David Clemente Loading
    • Elisabeth Clemmons Loading
    • Erica Spinoni Loading
    • Craig Simpson
    • Alejandro Florean Loading
    本IDC研究报告介绍了IDC 2023年数字业务战略十大预测。这些预测将为企业在未来五年发展成为数字企业提供指导。它们也是IDC对该预测期内数字业务领域将发生的十个最重要转变的展望,可帮助首席级高管提升数字化成熟度。"面对经济衰退,企业现在可能想削减支出,但过去三年证明,数字企业是发展韧性的最好基础。重视数字化成熟度的企业未来五年的竞争力将进一步增强。"——IDC全球数字业务战略研究总监Craig Powers表示。
  • By: 

    • Rick Villars Loading
    • Frank Della Rosa Loading
    • Lara Greden Loading
    • Dave McCarthy Loading
    • David Tapper Loading
    • Natalya Yezhkova Loading
    • Petr Jirovsky Loading
    • Rob Brothers Loading
    • Gard Little Loading
    • Julie Ross Loading
    • Rasmus Andsbjerg Loading
    This IDC study compiles data from several other IDC cloud-related forecasts and trackers and uses definitions consistent with those other forecasts to provide a perspective on both the total portion of major IT sectors that are influenced b...
  • By:  Melinda-Carol Ballou Loading

    This IDC Perspective is one in a series of IDC studies that examine collaborative work management and project and portfolio management (PPM) solutions and provide both vendor analysis and customer reference context for technology adoption a...
  • By:  Melinda-Carol Ballou Loading

    This IDC Perspective is one in a series of IDC studies that examine agile, value stream management (VSM) and enterprise IT and project and portfolio management (PPM) solutions and provide both vendor analysis and customer reference context ...
  • By:  Gard Little Loading

    On December 16, 2022, Accenture reported its FY 1Q23 results, including $15.7 billion in quarterly revenue, a 5% YoY increase in U.S. dollars and 15% in local currency. The earnings call was led by Julie Sweet, Accenture's chair and chief e...
  • By: 

    • Erin Hichman Loading
    • Gard Little Loading
    This IDC PlanScape provides insights into building a distribution function for software-based digital innovation."The distribution of software-based digital products and services is much more complex than simply deciding between a direct or...
  • By: 

    • Dan Vesset Loading
    • Stewart Bond Loading
    • Amy Machado Loading
    • Ray Huo
    • Thomas Jackson
    • Steve Charbonnier
    • Anne Valaitis
    • John Rydning
    • Yasusuke Suzuki Loading
    • Ashish Nadkarni Loading
    • Phil Goodwin Loading
    • Yanxia Lu Loading
    • Dr. Chris Marshall Loading
    • Jessie Danqing Cai
    • Lynne Schneider Loading
    • Enrique Phun Loading
    • Carl W. Olofson Loading
    • Giovanni Cervellati Loading
    • Neil Ward-Dutton Loading
    • Keith Kmetz Loading
    This IDC study provides IDC's 2023 top 10 predictions for data and content technologies applied to analytics, decisioning, and operational workloads."We are excited to share the data and content technologies predictions from our global team...
  • By: 

    • Gard Little Loading
    • Mukesh Dialani Loading
    • Erin Hichman Loading
    • Linus Lai Loading
    • Bill Latshaw Loading
    • Matthew Merker
    • Melih Murat Loading
    • Eric Samuel Loading
    • Pushkaraksh Shanbhag Loading
    • David Tapper Loading
    • Dan Versace Loading
    This IDC study provides IDC's top 10 predictions for worldwide services for 2023 and beyond."This year, the IT and business services predictions skew a bit more towards the early half of the period covered given the higher than usual degree...
  • By: 

    • Al Gillen
    • Melinda-Carol Ballou Loading
    • Arnal Dayaratna Loading
    • Maureen Fleming Loading
    • Lara Greden Loading
    • Jevin Jensen Loading
    • Chris Zhang Loading
    • Peter Marston Loading
    • George Mironescu Loading
    • Katie Norton Loading
    • John O'Brien
    • Michele Rosen Loading
    • Jennifer Thomson Loading
    • Jim Mercer Loading
    This IDC study provides IDC's top 10 predictions for developers and DevOps for 2023 and beyond."Developers and DevOps professionals have never been in a more critical and more important position to help the long-term success of their busine...
  • By: 

    • Mary Johnston Turner Loading
    • Ashish Nadkarni Loading
    • Matthew Eastwood Loading
    • Rohit Mehra Loading
    • Rajnish Arora
    • Chris Barnard Loading
    • Andrew Buss Loading
    • Brad Casemore
    • Jennifer Cooke Loading
    • Stephen Elliot Loading
    • Luis Fernandes Loading
    • Phil Goodwin Loading
    • Yukihisa Hode Loading
    • Jevin Jensen Loading
    • Chris Kanaracus
    • Mark Leary Loading
    • Archana Venkatraman Loading
    • Dave McCarthy Loading
    • Susan G. Middleton
    • Dileep Nadimpalli Loading
    • Jeff Newton Loading
    • Josephine Palencia
    • Dave Pearson Loading
    • Simon Piff Loading
    • Alexandra Rotaru Loading
    • Juan Pablo Seminara Loading
    • Carol Sliwa Loading
    • Elaina Stergiades Loading
    • Kuba Stolarski Loading
    • Steve White Loading
    • Rick Villars Loading
    • Christopher Webber
    • Penny Madsen Loading
    This IDC study provides IDC's top 10 predictions for the future of digital infrastructure for 2023."Digital infrastructure provides the underpinning for digital business agility and innovation," explains Mary Johnston Turner, research VP, F...

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