CMO Advisory Service Team

Laurie Buczek

Group Vice President, Executive Insights and Leadership Services

Abhishek Kumar

Associate Research Director

New Research

  • By: 

    • Laurie Buczek Loading
    • Marci Maddox Loading
    • Gerry Murray Loading
    • Roger Beharry Lall Loading
    • MaryAnn Holder-Browne Loading
    • Lavanya Jindal Loading
    This IDC Tech Buyer Presentation provides a generative AI (GenAI) use case taxonomy for the marketing function. Many organizations are testing and exploring the impact of GenAI on the art and science of practicing marketing. IDC has develop...
  • By: 

    • Laurie Buczek Loading
    • MaryAnn Holder-Browne Loading
    This IDC Survey addresses the current state and future trajectory of partner and channel marketing. As the business landscape transforms and partners experience uncertainty with marketplaces, marketing leaders want to understand how partner...
  • By: 

    • Gerry Murray Loading
    • Roger Beharry Lall Loading
    • Laurie Buczek Loading
    This IDC Perspective discusses the potential of generative AI (GenAI) in increasing marketing productivity by over 40% in the next five years. It explores the various tasks that could be delegated to GenAI, and the potential productivity ga...
  • By: 

    • Mona Liddell Loading
    • Marc Strohlein
    • Daniel Saroff Loading
    • Sue Troy
    • Dr. Ron Babin Loading
    • Laurie Buczek Loading
    • Philip Carter Loading
    • Franco Chiam Loading
    • David Clemente Loading
    • Marc Dowd Loading
    • Serge Findling Loading
    • Alejandro Florean Loading
    • Tracy Keeling
    • Finn Li Loading
    • Sandra Ng Loading
    • Niel Nickolaisen Loading
    • Tony Olvet Loading
    • Kevin Prouty Loading
    • Eric Samuel Loading
    • Go Suzuki Loading
    • Christopher Tozzi Loading
    • Rick Villars Loading
    • David Weldon Loading
    • Yukiharu Yorifuji Loading
    本IDC研究报告介绍了IDC对2024年CIO议程的十大预测。IDC CIO/CXO信息科技智库服务咨询与研究集团副总裁Daniel Saroff表示,"这十大预测构成了一份战略性框架,帮助CIO在未来五年内领导其组织度过一个加速变革和颠覆的时期。同时也阐述了IDC对IT部门将要经历的10个重大转变的展望,助力IT高管制定战略规划。"
  • By:  Abhishek Kumar Loading

    This Market Presentation aims to provide technology vendors with an overview of the key business trends shaping Asia’s financial services industry in 2024. The report offers a foundation of industry knowledge to: Develop compelling narrativ...
  • By:  Laurie Buczek Loading

    This IDC Web Conference provides guidance for strategic marketing investments for 2024. Tech marketing leaders are dynamically shifting marketing strategies due to the permanent changes in B2B buyer behaviors and generative AI bursting onto...
  • By:  Laurie Buczek Loading

    This IDC Perspective offers CMOs, their management teams, and their C-suite colleagues a window into the results of IDC’s 2023 Tech Marketing Benchmark Survey. A 55-page extended document with details on this survey (now in its 21st year) t...
  • By: 

    • George Briford Loading
    • Abhishek Kumar Loading
    • Nigel Wallis Loading
    This IDC Market Presentation is designed to provide technology vendors a better understanding of their buyer personas. It aims to answer the following questions: Who are the key personas I need to address with my offerings (products and ser...
  • By: 

    • Davide Palanza Loading
    • Surya Narayan Saha Loading
    • Abhishek Kumar Loading
    This IDC Market Presentation is designed to provide technology vendors a better understanding of their buyer personas. It aims to answer the following questions: Who are the key personas they need to address with their offerings (products a...
  • By: 

    • Ritu Jyoti Loading
    • David Schubmehl Loading
    • Hayley Sutherland Loading
    • Maureen Fleming Loading
    • Shari Lava Loading
    • Neil Ward-Dutton Loading
    • Jennifer Cooke Loading
    • Laurie Buczek Loading
    • Melih Murat Loading
    • Jennifer Hamel Loading
    • Deepika Giri Loading
    • Shane Rau Loading
    • Andrew Gens Loading
    • Matt Arcaro Loading
    • Kathy Lange Loading
    • Mary Wardley Loading
    • Nobuko Iisaka Loading
    • Raghunandhan Kuppuswamy Loading
    • Michele Rosen Loading
    This IDC study provides IDC's 2024 top 10 predictions for artificial intelligence and automation."ChatGPT's explosive global popularity has given us AI's first true inflection point in public adoption," says Ritu Jyoti, group vice president...

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